Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Slowly but Surely

I apologize for not being posting sooner, but there was nothing really to post this past weekend. Jan, Steffen, and Adrienne were out for the weekend so all the horses had time off.  

Here is Ravel all settled in!

This morning though, everyone was back on track, and I got up early to watch before work. It’s getting a bit chilly up here so all the horses are fresh and ready to go. Perfect riding weather!

So this morning I watched Ravel and Steffen. He only rode him for a short time and did no collection, only walk and trot on a very long rein. When I asked Steffen about preparing Ravel and Legolas for competition, he said that for Legolas, on the day of competition, he would take him out early in the morning and do some work with him, and then do a short warm up before the class. This is because Legolas can get very tense and so this helps him relax, and to be more supple. And when I asked about Ravel, Steffen just said he can do whatever with that guy. King Ravel J

In addition to Ravel, Jan Ebeling was back this morning and while I missed his ride on Rafalca, I did get to see a bit of him riding his stallion Breitan. He was riding him in a snaffle and doing some piaffe work. He is a very nice horse, and a sweetheart.

So that is all that I was able to see today but I will definitely try to get up a bit earlier and watch. So keep checking back!

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